# Introduction

The ORATS API is organized around REST. Our API is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API success and errors. You can use our API to access options data in our database.

# Authentication

All requests must be sent with a valid Authorization header with your private token.

Get your API token here (opens new window).

If you need help with your token, email us at support@orats.com.

# Example

Example Request

curl -H "Authorization: your-private-token" -L "https://api.orats.io/data/cores/earn?ticker=AAPL"

Example Response

    "data": [
            "ticker": "AAPL",
            "tradeDate": "2018-09-07",
            "pxCls": 223.1,
            "wksNextErn": 7,
            "nextErnTod": 1630,
            "ernMnth": 10,
            "avgOptVolu20d": 664432,
            "oi": 4076797,
            "atmIvM1": 25.4783,
            "dtExM1": 15,
            "atmIvM2": 23.179,
            "dtExm2": 43,
            "atmIvM3": 25.6981,
            "dtExM3": 71,
            "atmIvM4": 24.0213,
            "dtExM4": 106,
            "straPxM1": 9.02,
            "straPxM2": 14.15,
            "smoothStraPxM1": 9.03,
            "smoothStrPxM2": 14.1,
            "fcstStraPxM1": 7.99,
            "fcstStraPxM2": 13.15,
            "loStrikeM1": 222.5,
            "hiStrikeM1": 222.5,
            "loStrikeM2": 225,
            "hiStrikeM2": 225,
            "ernDate1": "7/31/2018",
            "ernDate2": "5/1/2018",
            "ernDate3": "2/1/2018",
            "ernDate4": "11/2/2017",
            "ernDate5": "8/1/2017",
            "ernDate6": "5/2/2017",
            "ernDate7": "1/31/2017",
            "ernDate8": "10/25/2016",
            "ernDate9": "7/26/2016",
            "ernDate10": "4/26/2016",
            "ernDate11": "1/26/2016",
            "ernDate12": "10/27/2015",
            "ernMv1": 5.891,
            "ernMv2": 4.4175,
            "ernMv3": -4.339,
            "ernMv4": 2.6114,
            "ernMv5": 4.725,
            "ernMv6": -0.305,
            "ernMv7": 6.098,
            "ernMv8": -2.2495,
            "ernMv9": 6.4963,
            "ernMv10": -6.2578,
            "ernMv11": -6.5707,
            "ernMv12": 4.1204,
            "ernStraPct1": 5.2632,
            "ernStraPct2": 5.9725,
            "ernStraPct3": 6.4741,
            "ernStraPct4": 5.8393,
            "ernStraPct5": 0,
            "ernStraPct6": 4.2682,
            "ernStraPct7": 4.2753,
            "ernStraPct8": 5.5958,
            "ernStraPct9": 5.1248,
            "ernStraPct10": 6.0768,
            "ernStraPct11": 8.7344,
            "ernStraPct12": 8.2545,
            "ernEffct1": 1.8353,
            "ernEffct2": 1.6537,
            "ernEffct3": 1.454,
            "ernEffct4": 1.2855,
            "ernEffct5": 1.6106,
            "ernEffct6": 1.2728,
            "ernEffct7": 3.3712,
            "ernEffct8": 1.3057,
            "ernEffct9": 2.8492,
            "ernEffct10": 2.415,
            "ernEffct11": 1.8706,
            "ernEffct12": 1.5034,
            "orHv5d": 21.91,
            "orHv10d": 18.39,
            "orHv20d": 17.4,
            "orHv60d": 19.06,
            "orHv90d": 18.85,
            "orHv120d": 21.87,
            "orHv252d": 21.64,
            "orHv500d": 19.96,
            "orHv1000d": 23.24,
            "orHvXern5d": 21.91,
            "orHvXern10d": 18.39,
            "orHvXern20d": 17.4,
            "orHvXern60d": 17.7,
            "orHvXern90d": 17.12,
            "orHvXern120d": 20.89,
            "orHvXern252d": 20.9,
            "orHvXern500d": 19.27,
            "orHvXern1000d": 22.53,
            "clsHv5d": 16.6,
            "clsHv10d": 14.01,
            "clsHv20d": 13.56,
            "clsHv60d": 19.05,
            "clsHv90d": 19.28,
            "clsHv120d": 22.29,
            "clsHv252d": 21.55,
            "clsHv500d": 19.69,
            "clsHv1000d": 22.82,
            "clsHvXern5d": 16.6,
            "clsHvXern10d": 14.01,
            "clsHvXern20d": 13.56,
            "clsHvXern60d": 15.34,
            "clsHvXern90d": 15.32,
            "clsHvXern120d": 19.82,
            "clsHvXern252d": 19.84,
            "clsHvXern500d": 18.02,
            "clsHvXern1000d": 21,
            "iv10d": 0.267609,
            "iv20d": 24.23,
            "iv30d": 23.05,
            "iv60d": 0.248052,
            "iv90d": 24.75,
            "iv6m": 23.96,
            "iv1yr": 0.232396,
            "orIvXern20d": 23.75,
            "orIvXernInf": 19.73,
            "slope": 2.1261,
            "fcstSlope": 2.4924,
            "fcstErnEffct": 1.4795,
            "absAvgErnMv": 4.5068,
            "ernMvStdv": 1.8777,
            "impliedEe": 3.5436,
            "impErnMv": 6.73,
            "impMth2ErnMv": 6.73,
            "fairVol90d": 25.6981,
            "fairXieeVol90d": 25.5885,
            "fairMth2XieeVol90d": 23.787,
            "impErnMv90d": 3.36,
            "impErnMvMth290d": 2.26,
            "exErnIv10d": 0.267609,
            "exErnIv20d": 0.242331  ,
            "exErnIv30d": 0.230509,
            "exErnIv60d": 0.231301,
            "exErnIv90d": 0.220113,
            "exErnIv6m": 0.212682,
            "exErnIv1yr": 0.208058,
            "updatedAt": "2018-09-07 03:00:05"

# Data Limits

All data API endpoints will retrieve a maximum of 5000 rows except for strikes endpoint. Strikes will have a 6000 row limit to get the full chain per day.


There is a 100 request per minute limit for the data API.